The Declaration of Bitdependence

In Congress, July 4th, 2026,
The unanimous Declaration of the United States of America, when in the course of human progress, it becomes necessary for a free people to dissolve the monetary chains that have, like those of old tyrannies, suppressed prosperity and autonomy, that have long bound it to inefficiencies, exploitation, and inflation, and to ascend among the powers of the Earth, a transparent, decentralized, and sovereign financial future to which the immutable code of Bitcoin entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of humankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to this separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all individuals are endowed with the right to economic freedom, privacy, and autonomy; that among these are security of wealth, fairness in trade, and preservation of human effort across time. To secure these rights, systems of money and governance must derive their legitimacy from decentralization and voluntary consent. Whenever any form of monetary system becomes destructive to these ends—through debasement, surveillance, or manipulation—it is the right of the people to disband it and to institute a new standard, founded on immutable principles, and organizing its governance to most effectively ensure prosperity and liberty for all.
Prudence dictates that systems long established should not be changed for transient grievances; and indeed, history has shown that humanity is more inclined to endure monetary injustices—inflation, confiscation, and inequality—while sufferable than to abolish the familiar structures of fiat control. But when a long train of abuses and exploitations, pursuing invariably the same end of despotism, reduces the people to mere subjects of central powers, it becomes their duty to cast off such systems and to provide new safeguards for their economic future.
Such has been the suffering under the fiat monetary regime. The Federal Reserve’s unchecked creation of money has plundered the purchasing power of wages, widened inequality, and mortgaged the future. Central banks have entrenched inefficiencies and distorted the markets, privileging the few while burdening the many. Surveillance banking has eroded privacy and autonomy, treating individuals not as free actors but as mere accounts to be monitored and controlled.
To prove this, we present the undeniable failures of the fiat monetary regime before a candid world:
It has debased currencies through unchecked inflation, turning the fruits of labor into ephemeral gains.
It has deprived billions of people of access to fair and neutral financial systems, perpetuating exclusion and inequity.
It has weaponized money through surveillance, freezing assets, and restricting transactions without due process.
It has engaged in a relentless cycle of boom-and-bust, sacrificing long-term stability for short-term gain.
It has stripped the people of their ability to save, eroding generational wealth through silent confiscation via inflation.
It has maintained opaque systems of governance over money, denying the public a voice in the issuance, distribution, and value of the currency they depend on.
It has facilitated endless wars, funding conflict not through the consent of taxpayers, but through the covert taxation of inflation.
It has burdened citizens with unpayable debts, shackling nations and individuals alike to perpetual servitude under creditors and banks.
It has favored financial speculation over productive investment, prioritizing short-term profits for elites over sustainable growth for society.
It has confiscated wealth through legal plunder, seizing assets under the guise of “emergency powers” and bankruptcies, denying individuals their sovereignty.
It has empowered financial intermediaries to act as gatekeepers, taxing access to the economy and blocking innovation.
It has created a system where savings are punished and debt is rewarded, distorting incentives and discouraging prudence.
It has disenfranchised the unbanked, leaving billions excluded from the global economy due to arbitrary barriers and biases.
It has enriched the few at the expense of the many, allowing monetary policy to prioritize asset holders over wage earners.
It has enabled governments to confiscate private funds through capital controls, asset freezes, and arbitrary taxation.
It has hidden its failures behind opaque policies and manipulated statistics, denying citizens the transparency they are owed.
It has allowed banks to privatize profits and socialize losses, bailing out the reckless at the expense of the responsible.
It has created a monetary order where nations are trapped in cycles of dependency, denied sovereignty over their own economies.
It has distorted the natural balance of trade, enabling some nations to print wealth while others toil to produce it.
It has undermined privacy and liberty, forcing individuals into systems where their every transaction is monitored and controlled.
It has failed to innovate, clinging to obsolete systems of value transfer while the world advances beyond its grasp.
We, therefore, the people of the United States, appealing to the immutable laws of mathematics and human reason, do solemnly declare:
That this nation is, and must remain, independent from the destructive forces of inflationary fiat systems. We embrace Bitcoin, a monetary network incorruptible in design, transparent in operation, decentralized in governance, and bound by the unyielding principles of mathematics. That we commit to fostering a future where every citizen may transact freely, save securely, and build wealth immune from the whims of central powers.
As a first act of this independence, we call upon our institutions to adopt Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset, to promote its use as legal tender, and to encourage its integration into our financial systems. Let the legacy of this declaration be the birth of a nation that champions freedom over control, fairness over privilege, and innovation over coercion. Let it inspire a global movement toward sovereignty, where nations and individuals alike reclaim their right to economic self-determination.
With this commitment, we pledge to one another our faith in sound money, our collective prosperity, and the sovereignty that immutable, decentralized systems make possible.
The Citizens of a Free World
Sign the Petition
Your signature is your voice. By signing the Declaration of Bitdependence, you stand with Bitcoiners worldwide in demanding financial sovereignty, decentralization, and freedom from fiat tyranny.
Add your name to this historic manifesto and help shape the future of money. Together, we can bring this vision to life.